Waichi Sugiyama Memorial Association is engaged in activities to honor the legacy of Waichi Sugiyama and to carry on his will and pass it on to the future.
Our activities(事業内容)
I. Activities to honor the legacy of Waichi Sugiyama(杉山検校の遺徳を顕彰する活動)
In addition to expressing our gratitude for the legacy of Waichi Sugiyama, we are also engaged in activities to make his achievements widely known.
1.Main annual events(主な年間行事)
(1) Spring Social Gathering(春の交流会)
We offer our gratitude to Waichi Sugiyama and wish for the health and future success of
our members and related people. It is an opportunity to share the joys of the New Year and deepen friendships.
Date | 4th Sunday in January every year |
Venue | Ejima Sugiyama Shrine (1-8-2, Chitose, Sumida-ku, Tokyo) |
Time | 10:00 to 11:00 Ceremony 11:00 to 12:00 Lecture (lecture or dedication performance, etc.) 12:30 to 2:00pm Social gathering party |
(2) Waichi Sugiyama Memorial Service (to express gratitude to Shinkan (a guided tube)) (杉山検校を偲ぶ会(鍼管に感謝の念を捧げる))
This event is held close to May 18, Waichi Sugiyama’s death anniversary.
We offer our gratitude to Waichi Sugiyama and the Shinkan he invented, and wish for the health and future success of our members and related people.
Date | Third Sunday in May every year |
Venue | Ejima Sugiyama Shrine and Sugiyama Waichi Memorial Hall (1-8-2, Chitose,Sumida-ku, Tokyo) |
Time | 10:00 to 11:00 Ceremony 11:00 to 12:00 Civic and cultural lectures (lectures for the general public, etc.) at Sugiyama Waichi Memorial Hall, situated on the grounds of the shrine. |
(3) Acupuncture Memorial Service(鍼に感謝する集い(鍼供養))
This event is held annually on a day close to the autumnal equinox.
We offer our gratitude to Waichi Sugiyama, deceased members, and acupuncture needles used for treatment, and pray for the repose of their souls.
Date | Third Sunday in September every year |
Venue | Mirokuji-Temple (1-4-13 Tatekawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo) |
Time | 10:00 to 11:00 Ceremony, visit to Waichi Sugiyama’s gravesite and acupuncture memorial tower 11:00 to 12:00 Lecture (lecture or dedication performance, etc.) |
2.Other annual events(その他の年間行事)
(1) Participation in Ryogoku Nigiwai Festival(両国にぎわい祭りへの参加)
We participate in events held around Ryogoku Station.
Date | From the end of April to the beginning of May every year |
Venue | In the precincts of Ejima Sugiyama Shrine or Sugiyama Waichi Memorial Hall |
(2) Participation in Sight World(サイトワールドへの参加)
We rent a room and hold lectures and other events at Sight World (an exhibition of equipment for the visually impaired).
Date | Beginning of November every year |
Venue | Sumida-ku Sangyo Kaikan (8th and 9th floors of Marui Kinshicho Store, 3-9-10 Koto-bashi, Sumida-ku, Tokyo) |
(3) Participation in Benten Festival(弁天祭りへの参加)
We participate in the event held in the grounds of Ejima Sugiyama Shrine.
Date | Sunday in November every year |
Venue | Precincts of Ejima Sugiyama Shrine or inside Sugiyama Waichi Memorial Hall (1-8-2 Chitose, Sumida-ku, Tokyo). |
3.Publication of books and distribution on YouTube(書籍の発行やYoutubeでの配信)
We publish the bulletin “Keishinreki: A Reference Guide for Daily Life” and the PR Magazine “Koho Sugiyama”, and distribute academic seminars on Youtube (for members only).
4.Mass-media appearance and postings(マスメディアに出演もしくは投稿)
We appear on TV, radio,YouTube, and contribute articles to magazines.
5.Opening of a reference room with materials on acupuncture, moxibustion, and massage(鍼灸あん摩に関する資料を集めた資料室の開放)
We provide explanations of the exhibits to visitors upon request.
Visitors can also borrow equipment that provides audio explanations of the exhibits.
6.Opening of the multipurpose room(多目的室を開放)
The general public is welcome to use the room as well as its equipment, including a folding treatment bed and a white board. However, there is a charge for use.
7.Preservation and management of historical sites, old documents, and cultural assets related to Waichi Sugiyama(杉山検校ゆかりの史跡や古文書、文化財の保存管理)
(1) Preservation of historical sites(史跡の管理)
We preserve Waichi Sugiyama’s grave site (Kongobuji Temple at Koyasan, Miroku-ji Temple at Mantokuzan, Enoshima), Acupuncture needle Memorial Tower (Miroku-ji Temple at Mantokuzan), the site of Souroku Residence (now Ejima Sugiyama Shrine), and the site of the Acupuncture Treatment School (now Ejima Sugiyama Shrine).
(2) Preservation and management of old documents and cultural assets(古文書及び文化財の保存管理)
We preserve and manage hanging scrolls in the handwriting of the 5th Shogun Tsunayoshi, strips of paper written by his wife Princess Nobuko, Biwa musical instrument (“Sazanami”), “Sugiyama Ryu Sambu Sho” (Three books of the Sugiyama Style), “Sugiyama Shin Den Ryu” (“Sugiyama Style True Tradition”), Waichi Sugiyama sitting statue, acupuncture point mannequin, and more.
II. Activities to carry on the will of Waichi Sugiyama(杉山検校の遺徳を継承する活動)
We are carrying on the will of Waichi Sugiyama: to contribute to society through the art of acupuncture, moxibustion, and massage, to foster human resources who will be useful to society in this field and to help the visually impaired become more independent, and passing this will to the future.